Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Passionate Substantive Editing for Publication

 Writing Process 9 Thursday April 16 2015

Hello again! Thank you for returning to my Newsletter. If this is your first time, welcome

As novelists who drive our own work to the level of publication
we have to recognise that in creating our novels we are using and developing
 two distinctive pockets within our brains.

The first one – colourful as a Persian Carpet - is the original creative, brainstorming, intuitive, ballooning and character galaxy-making  pocket which involves creative, intuitive writing-by-hand and creative transcribing – all described here in earlier newsletters. The second – woven in sober Blue Calico - is the much calmer logical, diagnostic, editorial pocket in your brain.
Without making profound use of that first Persian Carpet pocket you will never produce a unique novel keyed into you own original world view which will excite readers.
And without using the editorial skills tucked into the sober Blue Calico pocket you will never produce a novel which is publishable. This is especially important in these days of independent publishing.
Many creative writers, by the time they are embarking on a substantial novel, already have a well-developed Persian Carpet pocket in their brain which deepens with each creative writing I have written my earlier Newsletters to encourage you to make this pocket made even larger and more fruitful and inspiring.

Self Editing

In my experience it’s easier to edit other people’s work that my own. After you have written your novel it is hard to see your prose objectively. By this time you almost know your prose off by heart, There is a real danger here of becoming word- or even paragraph-blind, as by now the text is lodged implacably in your head, You can rehearse it but you don't necessarily see it.  

So writers who are involved in their own editing need to develop their own objectivity – deepening and extending that blue editing pocket in their brain to use in further projects.
You can turn to literate friends to help edit your work although there might be a problem with objectivity here. And they might take on the inappropriate role of a teacher ‘marking’ a student’s assignment, which could not only be discouraging but can also be dysfunctional.
But help is at hand. Because of the current dynamic changes in the marketplace there are people out there who are now offering proof-reading and editorial services. If you use them,  at least a degree of objectivity can be guaranteed. But quality control is an issue. You need to be very careful that the person who is proofing or editing your work has his own, deep Persian carpet pockets to inform his or her judgement of your work.
One editor/proof-reader whom I consulted told me ‘[I pride] myself on seeing the work very much through the intentions of the author – seeing through his or her eyes, as should be the case.
So there are good free-lance editors around. And they can be helpful in contributing a professional outcome to your creative production. This same editor said: Maybe there is now a need seen to show a professional approach in what is still a largely amateur – and unfortunately, too often amateurish – marketplace.
I looked into the costs of such services and they do vary. I found some which I considered reasonable – as long the outcome is a professionally-proofed novel ready to go forward to publication.  I found that you get your book professionally proofed for the cost of a night away, or edited for the cost of a long week-end away, with your mate. Seems reasonable to me.
And it’s a way to show yourself and those around you that you have pride in your creative work and think it worth this investment.

It is possible and necessary, though, to develop your own editing skills. 

My recurring theme here is that you need to apply creative
passion to this editing process as well as the creative process of writing your novel. 

So here for you is my  

Guide to Substantive Self-editing.

This can apply to fictional prose of any length. And it is also a good idea to new edits a quarter, half and three-quarters of the way through a long novel. This is refreshing and inspirational for embarking on the next part of your novel. But this guide applies to a finished novel. You can adapt it as you will.
The first thing to do is to print off a paper copy of your transcribed story. You will work on the paper copy and enter your marked up paper changes onto your online copy when you have finished this substantive editing.

This is the process:

1.      Read the text out loud right through. Just mark anything that sounds lumpy or doesn’t flow. Some people actually record it and listen while they edit. I don’t do this but it seems like a fair idea.
2.      On the page itself scribble self-suggestions, questions, connections that occur to you.
3.      Remember that in this interactive dialogue with the text you are taking the role of the reader. Is it accessible to the reader as it is written?
4.      In the role of reader you will find yourself inserting amendments that enhance your meaning or improve the flow of your text.  
5.      The matter of chapters.
Remember new chapter, new page. Are you going to have chapter titles? If so they might occur to you in this read-through.  Chapters can be numbered. Or not.
6.     Sort out the paragraphs.
Paragraphs can be a puzzle. I meet good writers in workshops who haven’t yet got paragraphs nailed. It’s a bit of an ambiguous area. To a degree, paragraphing can be a matter of taste and style. Paragraphs in modern literature are distinctly shorter that those written in novels – say – before 1950. (See my examples.)
It’s a very good thing to note the way the writer uses  paragraphs when you read contemporary

Pages from E;izabeth Bowens brilliant novel
The Heart of the DayLong Paragraphs. Very 1946

novels (which you surely are…). Or, if you are going all post-modern you can get rid of paragraphs all together. It could appeal to an erudite if somewhat limited readership.
If we aim for High Quality Self Editing we have to make our own choices regarding paragraphing – but try and keep your reader in mind.
Me? I’m of the opinion that white space on the page makes text more accessible and helps the narrative to flow forward.
Here are my useful rules of thumb for paragraphing.
·        - New speaker, new paragraph
·      -   New idea, new paragraph
·       -  If you change place, time or action within a story, leave a double space and place the first line of the new paragraph on the margin and then continue normal indentation.    

7.     Now onto other Important  Things

·        Enter all these changes into your online copy
·        Carry out a computer spell and grammar check to iron out residual mis-spellings, expressions and extra spaces that have escaped your eagle eye. You may have imported new ones with your amendments.
·        Read the whole text again (I know! I know! But after all you are practising your High Quality Self Editing Skills.)
·        Now get your drafting notebook and open a page which you head Names. Make a single list of the names you use in your story. Check back through your story and make sure they are consistent.
·        Turn a page in your notebook and head the page Characteristics.  Now check back through your  sory on your computer for the physical characteristics of your characters (hair eyes, legs, feet  etc). Are they consistent?  Make tiny amendments to remind the reader of these characteristics as the story unfolds.
·        Spell/grammar-check any changed sections. Or the whole story again if necessary. You may have imported unforced errors with your changes. This often happens to me.


You have worked hard now, not just on writing but on editing your novel. It could be ready now for publishing. But before you take that plunge I would hand it to a new, interested reader to read through and react to it. Or I would invest in a professional proof-reader and/or editor to check that your Substantive Self Editing Skills have succeeded in making your novel the best it could possibly be.

You can be sure now that the Persian Carpet and Blue Calico pockets in your brain have expanded. They will ensure that both your intuitive story telling skills have deepened and your substantive editing skills have developed to be more fundamentally at the service of your intuitive writing.

Writer’s Note
A good and very easy  reference – and a fascinating read, if you are interested in the grammar element of your prose creation – is

Elements of Style by Strunk & White. 

You can get it on Kindle but I recommend that you buy it – new or second hand – so it cam sit on your writer’s book shelf the more you write and build your self editing skills and watch  can get more battered with Post It notes tucked in like ticker-tape.

Happy Writing, Happy Editing


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